As a kickstarter and collaborator, Carla has over 15 years of experience building accessibility strategies for community programming and event planning.


Collaborating with groups of marginalized people, Carla collects diverse perspectives to create universal customer service and community engagement solutions. She has worked as a policy writer, program developer, event planner, external relations developer and community engagement researcher, bringing lived-experience to the table with a disabled-lens.


Bringing new voices to build connections in our community, normalizing different lives and broadening pride in disabled-identity, interdependent solutions, and self-determination.

My Analytical Approach

In past projects I’ve worked with focus groups, interviews, observations and field trials, to combine quantitative data with qualitative analysis. 


What research have you not conducted, which questions do you still need to ask? 


Corporate Culture Audits

Review your existing internal policy and recruitment strategies. Troubleshoot for barriers, build trust and redesign with inclusion.

Buyer Experience Audits

Review your method of sales, product & service trends and ways to prepare a  more accessible sales strategy for Canada’s aging purchasers. 


Is Your Market Research Inclusive?

You’re gathering quantitative data from your analytics, but are those stats gathering info from all of your potential buyers? Learn what accommodation improvements your buyers may need. Remember, the disability community in Canada controls $55.4B in disposable income

Do Customers Use your Existing Accommodations?

You designed an accessibility plan, but your strategy might not have fit with the buyers’ preference. What do buyers feel is missing?

How do we Recruit Long-term Employees with Disabilities?

Workers with disabilities stay with their employer five times longer than usual. Your inclusive recruitment strategy might need to earn more trust from potential disabled workers. Let’s review the way your information is collected, and communication barriers that intimidate disabled applicants.